Gnostic TikTok review 1

II Timothy 4:1-5 NKJV

[1] I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: [2] Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. [3] For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; [4] and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. [5] But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry

II John 1:7 NKJV

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Quick video review that kind of links up with my last video

1st point. The Gnostics weren’t the original Christians. This is often claimed but completely unfounded. Yes, reading Paul and John you can see them preaching against some of the ideas that would become Gnosticism decades later. Irenaeus the 2nd century bishop wrote a lot against the Gnostics. Thats really where anyone gets most of what we know of them, from Irenaeus and their hayday wasn’t for nearly a century after the crucifixion.

2) He says Christianity is the universal religion. This is an interesting comment because it’s true but I don’t know if it’s true in the way he’s making it out to be.  Christianity is the True religion for all people making it both exclusive and universal.  Jesus has called all men everywhere to repent

3) Yes, that is the ChiRho It’s currently a fairly popular symbol but it wasn’t used really until the 4th century. Early Christians would probably have used the Ichthus fish symbol. It’s always interesting to hear these guys try to link Christianity to Astrology because Astrology is forbidden in both Judaism and Christianity so this in no way would have been a thing that they would have setup as their symbol or an object of worship… well Christians wouldn’t have apostate OT Israel might have.

4) So why do they always grab the KJV?  for one the bible was around long before the KJV, It’s not like it’s the official bible of Christianity I like the NKJV but I don’t remember last time I picked up an actual KJV.  And of course he flashes an image of the Pope, I’m protestant I personally think the pope needs to take a long walk off a short pier So I’m not getting any of my doctrine or theology from them.

He goes on to say that The words in red, which it doesn’t sound like he’s actually read all the words in read because if he did he missed where Jesus says things like “no one comes to the father except through me” and “i and the father are one” and “Repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” and just a whole bunch of other things that kill his positions. 

He gives a couple of quotes then says well… of course these aren’t words of a real person.  So this what I had mentioned in my last video. He is attempting to remove the human and historical part of Jesus. Like i said these false movements either attempt to remove the human or the divine  to have Jesus you have to have both.  And of course we Know Jesus was an actual historic person. He’s one of the most attested-to people in history.

5) ok then he talks about 7 and 12, yes they’re all over scripture, It looks like there has been alot of editing so alot of this is just quick cuts and missing any context so I don’t really know what the point of mentioning the numbers are. Yes Christians are aware of these numbers being all over scripture.

6) Then what do we have after, He’s promoting his book, His book that will be giving secrets that “they” don’t want you to know

I mentioned in my last video that cults and false religion or spiritual movements will often seek to either remove Christs humanity or his deity, the guy in the video removed his humanity. Another thing they do is make false claims of secret knowledge. This is another thing goes back to the Garden, when Satan tempted Eve with the fruit that would give knowledge

However, there are no secrets in Christianity.  There are still some mysteries and some things that are hard to understand and some things that we’ll never know at least not on this side of eternity, like what John was told not to write down in the book of Revelation, or mysteries that only God knows like why he chose Jacob over Easau even before they were born.

But there are no secrets. There is nothing that “the church” is hiding. We have a book that people have died to make sure gets into the hands of the of as many people as possible. Jesus’ ministry was completely public. He preached publicly, did miracles publicly, was crucified publicly and then appeared to hundreds of people after his death.   

There are no locked inner rooms nor are there, much to some charismatics chagrin” levels of Christianity. Everyone has access to the Holy of Holy now, Paul tells us that we are already seated in the heavenly places with Christ and that the Holy spirit dwells in you.  You can’t get any spiritually higher than being seated in the throne room of God himself and between the written scripture and the indwelling of the holy spirit you have access to all that God has revealed.

I think the motivation is that we don’t have access to that which God hasn’t reveal and that’s what these gnostic spiritual gurus are trying to offer. But again, doesn’t that just go back to the serpent in the Garden offering to Eve what God had not yet revealed. Our desire to know what God hasn’t revealed has been instilled in us when our first parents fell.  

You’re not going to find anything following those who claim to have secret knowledge or who claim to show you how to find secret knowledge. I know I’ve been down that road, it all ends in dust and ashes.  Hinduism, the new age, freemasonry, mormonism , the Order of the Golden Dawn… whatever label you put on it. It’s nothing but a works treadmill into darkness and death.

They’re spiritual hackers, sending out phishing e-mails offering something for a price that Jesus Christ has and offers for free.  Why am I even bothering talking about this? These things seem like fringe topics but as the west attempts to become less Christian things will attempt to fill the void and the internet and social media has made these things way more accessible. I mean, honestly had it not been for the internet and access to all that I had access too I don’t know that I would have gone down the path I did. Yeah I bought a lot of book but usually only after I found them referenced online or they were written by someone I had run across online.

Do I think everyone is going to run out and join the Golden dawn or the Order of the Rosey Cross? No, but the ideas spread, and they seem to be popping up more often and we should be aware of them.

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